Here, you can access presentations and audio recordings from our 2024 conference, where leading experts shared their insights on asbestos regulation, safety, and removal. These sessions provide valuable knowledge on the latest industry developments, innovative technologies, and personal experiences.
Whether you’re a professional in the field, a researcher, or someone affected by asbestos, these resources offer essential guidance and expertise. Stay tuned for updates on our 2025 conference, where we will continue to bring you expert discussions and the latest advancements in asbestos management.
Session 1
(click the titles to download pdf)
1. Welcome from UKATA, Craig Evans, UKATA Chief Operating Officer
2. A Critical Look at the New EU Asbestos at Work Directive, Dr Yvonne Waterman (EAF)
3. Welfare in Asbestos Removal, Colette Willoughby (NORAC)
4. Diverting Asbestos Away from Landfill, Graham Gould (Thermal Recycling)
Session 2
(click the titles to download pdf)
5. Game of Drones: Using Drones and Thermal Imaging Technology to Modernise and De-Risk Condition Survey, Sam Johnson (Vertex Access)
6. Advancing Mesothelioma Care: Latest Research and Future Directions, Mairead Dixon, Mesothelioma Nurse Specialist (Mesothelioma UK)
7. Living with Mesothelioma: A Personal Journey, Michelle Spencer (Mesothelioma Victim)
8. Breaking New Ground: The Journey of Asbestos Regulation in Chile, Emma Willey & Cristian Ramirez, Director of BRISA SA
Session 3
(click the titles to download pdf)
9. From Site Inspections to Prosecutions: HSE’s Approach to Managing Compliance, Emma Wilkinson, Previous HSE Inspector & Risk Management Consultant at PCR Global
10. Panel Q&A, All Speakers